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Ready to maximize your effectiveness at work and improve your relationships everywhere?

Then you're ready for

Social + Emotional Intelligence Coaching

Are you:


  • Wondering how the most fulfilled and successful people in life get that way?

  • Noticing that your "soft" skills are becoming more important than your technical skills?

  • Looking for a way to quantify your interpersonal skills and then work on improving them?

Social + Emotional Intelligence Coaching can change your life! 




When people talk about interpersonal or "soft" skills, what do they actually mean? Well, it basically comes down to how you behave in your environment, in relation to others. Do you manage your emotions? Are you a clear communicator? Do you carry yourself with confidence? And how aware are you of your effect on others and the environment as a whole?


Social + Emotional Intelligence (S+EI) Coaching can help you with all of this! The best part about S+EI is that you can change it. Unlike IQ, your S+EI can improve through different thinking and behaviors. 


I am a certified Social + Emotional Intelligence Coach through the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence (ISEI), and I'd love to get you started on this journey toward maximum potential!

How does it work? Through a self-assessment or 360-degree assessment, we will determine your strengths and growth areas in 26 distinct competencies within the four quadrants of S+EI:


  1. Self Awareness

  2. Self Management

  3. Social Awareness

  4. Relationship Management


In the S+EI Intro Package (currently only $150), you'll receive a customized Social + Emotional Intelligence Profile (SEIP), which is over 40 pages of detailed information on your S+EI score and abilities within each competency. We'll go through the report together in a debrief session, identify strengths and areas of growth, and create a plan to maximize your potential by thinking through your current behaviors and trying new ones.


You can stop there, if you wish, or you can sign up for continued 1-on-1 coaching with me, where we'll work on your S+EI in greater detail over an extended period of time (and cover any other coaching topics you would like to discuss, as well)! We'll make use of additional reading material, checklists, worksheets and other tools to help you take advantage of your greatest S+EI strengths and improve the areas where you would like to grow. You'll experiment with new ways of thinking and behaving in a safe and supportive environment.


And you'll notice, as your S+EI improves, your relationships will improve. Your relationship with yourself will improve! And you'll be more effective in all areas of your life.


To get started, purchase your assessment and schedule your debrief session below!

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